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Rancilio Silvia V6 E Latest Edition

Rancilio Silvia V6 E Latest Edition

€ 645,00

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad

Caffè Italia is verheugd het nieuwste pronkstuk van Rancilio te presenteren: de nieuwe Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020. Als u een liefhebber van Italiaanse espresso bent, kunt u niet anders dan van Silvia houden, vooral van deze vernieuwde versie.

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Caffè Italia is verheugd het nieuwste pronkstuk van Rancilio te presenteren: de nieuwe Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020. Als u een liefhebber van Italiaanse espresso bent, kunt u niet anders dan van Silvia houden, vooral van deze vernieuwde versie. Professionele stijl, modern design en nieuwe functies: de nieuwe Rancilio Silvia V6 E is geschikt voor elk type meubilair en biedt professionele prestaties en betrouwbaarheid voor een unieke koffie-ervaring.

Dankzij de nieuwe Rancilio Silvia V6 E kunt u zich thuis omvormen tot de perfecte barman en op elk moment van de dag genieten van de smaak van een cappuccino, macchiato en professionele espresso. De nieuwe koffiemachine Rancilio Silvia is ergonomisch en gemakkelijk in gebruik en maakt uw koffieritueel onberispelijk en heerlijk.

Het plezier van een perfecte professionele espresso is op elk moment van de dag binnen handbereik. Silvia is dankzij het moderne design perfect voor elk type inrichting en biedt volledig professionele prestaties en betrouwbaarheid. Dankzij Silvia hoeft u niet langer te kiezen tussen stijl en functionaliteit of design en prestaties. Ervaar het plezier van een perfecte professionele espresso.

Silvia is uitgerust met een speciale ketel verpakt in thermisch isolatieschuim met hoge warmte-absorptie. Een voorziening die het energieverbruik aanzienlijk vermindert wanneer de machine aan staat. Bovendien geven de interne delen van de koffiemachine die in contact staan met water geen giftige stoffen af en doen ze geen afbreuk aan de kwaliteit van de drank in het kopje. Het doel is om vanaf het begin grote betrouwbaarheid en thermische stabiliteit te behouden, de belangrijkste kenmerken van de Rancilio Home Line. Silvia verbruikt minder dan 0,5 Wh (wattuur) in de stand-bymodus, wat volledig in overeenstemming is met de Europese ErP-richtlijn. De koffiemachine schakelt automatisch uit na 30 minuten inactiviteit, zoals bepaald door de regelgevende normen van Ecodesign.

  • draagstructuur: in zwart gelakt staal
  • behuizing en bedieningspaneel: in gesatineerd roestvrij staal
  • ketel met hoge thermische accumulatie
  • zeteenheid en ketel: in een speciale loodvrije legering
  • professionele zeteenheid en filterhouder

De nieuwe espressomachine Rancilio Silvia V6 E voldoet aan de Europese EuP-richtlijn en heeft, in tegenstelling tot het vorige model, een nieuw ontworpen aan-uitknop waarbij het apparaat terugkeert naar zijn oorspronkelijke staat wanneer deze wordt ingedrukt.

Een ander belangrijk kenmerk van de Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 Last Edition is het lagere verbruik met minder dan 0,5 Wh (wattuur) in stand-bymodus; bovendien schakelt de nieuwe espressomachine Rancilio Silvia automatisch uit na 30 minuten van inactiviteit. Verder is de New Edition uitgerust met een speciale ketel, verpakt in thermisch isolatieschuim met een hoge warmte-absorptie, waardoor een aanzienlijke vermindering van het energieverbruik mogelijk is.

Onder de nieuwe kenmerken van de Rancilio Silvia V6 E vinden we ook:

  • Elegante zwarte groepsafdekking (polycarbonaat + ABS)
  • Roestvrijstalen stoompijpje: het is bestendig en gemakkelijk schoon te maken en garandeert een betere professionele hantering
  • Professionele stamper met zwart handvat en 58 mm roestvrijstalen platte voet
  • Nieuwe set knoppictogrammen

Inbegrepen accessoires

  • 1 filterhouder met dubbele tuit
  • 1 filter voor één kopje
  • 1 filter voor twee kopjes
  • 1 blinde filter
  • 1 borstel
  • 1 tamper


Teknisk Specifikation

Teknisk Specifikation

Afmetingen (DxBxH)

235 x 290 x 340 mm


0.3 l


230 V


30.9 lb - 14 kg


1,100 W


50/60 Hz




Extra informatie

Model Manual
Grinder Model Nee


  1. Heerlijke koffie Recensie door Dingeman Korf

    Mijn eerste Rancillio Silvia uit 2002 was na 20 jaar intensieve dienst aan vervanging toe. Na kort vergelijkend warenonderzoek wederom voor deze machine gekozen. Mijn verwachtingen werden overtroffen doordat het nieuwe model nog lekkerdere koffie zet dan de vorige en meer constante kwaliteit. Het is alleen maar even wennen met maalgraad en hoeveelheid koffie, wat niet anders is dan elke keer als ik een andere boon uitprobeer.
    Kortom een aanrader voor alle koffieliefhebbers die hoge eisen stellen.

  2. Gigs Original Recensie door MrT

    Little Miss Silvia is now for 5 years in my possession.
    In addition to the Rancilio Silvia my collection included also another Gaggia Classic Coffee and a Vibiemme Domobar. These other two machines I have but sold again over the years, the Rancilio Silvia but use I still so happy as the day. Let's talk about the positive aspects: -Moderate warm-up time of about 20 minutes. -type solenoid - in less mess portafilter after the reference. -Homogenes Brühergebnis (eg still can be controlled using a PID of a degree) -Robust processing. The design is certainly not for everyone, but it suits me well, it is timeless and simple. Descaling is also relaively simplistic to Just enter the required amount of citric acid in the water tank and rinse properly with this water. Then again be run with plain water until the water is no longer sour tastes and the water color is clear again. (Is not citric acid cycle, which is water bluish). Thanks to the copper boiler, the cleaning with citric acid is not a problem. Some machines have an aluminum boiler, which must not be cleaned with citric acid, here is recommended eg Tartaric acid. This, however, is a lot harder to come by and average more expensive than the . citric Outside the warranty period repair work no problem, the machine had ever completely disassembled and reassembled - runs like the first day. milk froth: You get with the lance a very fine milk froth out Latte Art is no problem with this. Similarly enough , the boiler size also to foam larger amounts of milk. But for not wait until the heating lamp goes out, but about 15 - 20 seconds before starting to start foaming. So the boiler fueled by sufficient. Then as long as let off steam, to again escape the water and no steam from the lance. All in all I am very happy over the years with the machine and can put them each Espresso entry only to the heart. The only complaint is that the area of the drip tray (not the shell itself, but the track in which it is set) will start to rust after a while. Otherwise, price and performance in the Rancilio Silvia voices, I can recommend the machine fully.

  3. time a short feedback for processing after 8 years of use Recensie door Richard Blaine

    Few details have probably changed, but I recognize the product images still good my machine again. The price has now increased by 20%, which is well within the scope. When I bought my Silvia, I read, easily panicked by the rust problems. Therefore, I look up today scrupulously when inserting the drip tray on absolute dryness on the ground. Whether it is because I do not know any case my device is still untouched by rust. In my boost controller inside is pretty fast what broken, so you can easily pull out. Since I use the Silvia alone, I've never seen the necessity to repair the, as it does not interfere with the operation. About a year ago came off slightly the chromium coating on the (plastic) lining of the brewing unit. If the large-scale and thus is disfiguring, I will probably have to take care of times. That's to abnormalities in this long period. I hope my Silvia remains faithful to me for a long time. And today's buyers I press our fingers crossed that they have as much luck with this great coffee cook like me.

  4. A solid machine Recensie door RH

    Already the second Rancilio in use.
    Bin happy with it. Pros: The materials seem high quality and solid processed This is particularly true for housing and filter holder, etc. I particularly like that all parts can be replaced, if I am not mistaken there , You can buy more all relatively inexpensive on the internet and the technology was supposedly easy to repair itself ... that's what I like but my partner left;)) The coffee is delicious (if the variety fits naturally). A little bit of a nuisance is a long warm-up time. The leaves, however, by a "no-respect" shortened as a result. minor drawbacks: and to get the perfect foam, manual work is just asking. That's just in a fully automatic machine more comfortable and usually (in my not always the same foam quality) more secure. (But others are because perhaps more skillful than I -. me as my mediocre quality but also from) If there is a lot of visitors, it can sometimes take a long time and really I tend then to brew coffee (as in days gone by) takes Otherwise Aufzeitzeit too long. For 2 people it's totally okay with 3 people it goes. (drinking but from really large cups) The filter holder with the little use for espresso is not ideal - especially since you can let out only 2 cups (my espresso cups do not fit (to small) under the filter holder with 2 outlets. So I had to buy more to me a separate filter holder with 1 outlet. (But there are good accessories nachzukaufen) the supplied Stamper I find not so great. So also here a reasonable the same system sold. The water tank could bissel be greater, but is also a serious problem. CONCLUSION: think my purchase for me was the right decision. However, when I consider that I have paid for the necessary coffee grinder almost again the same price, I would have a very good can have fully automatic. BUT ... I would probably decide that again. Because - I can replace or repair the items for defects. - I can assemble the components yourself. - the coffee / espresso tastes.

  5. after some adjustments to the settings and brand of coffee beans it just works like a dream Recensie door oakey

    Had mine for a month now, after some adjustments to the settings and brand of coffee beans it just works like a dream now

  6. Super coffee machine Recensie door Anna Worle

    We have given away the machine and they came super and makes brilliant coffee. Definitely recommendable:
    Easy operation and good introduction.

  7. Good product ! Recensie door George Silvan

    Just received the miss Silvia ! It's very simple to use and the coffee taste fantastic!

  8. Worth every Euro Recensie door Hurz

    The Rancilio "Miss Silvia" is after Lelit PL41EM the cheapest "real espresso machine", which has a copper boiler and a Messingbrühgruppe. Opposite the mentioned Lelit it has the advantage of freely pivotable and practical lance (the one for generating milk froth required) and a screen diameter of 58 mm, for which there are screens for every taste. Included with the Silvia is a digit and a two-wire; a blind filter is not needed because there is included a small silicone mat inserted enables the backwashing in the Zweiersieb what amazingly works perfectly in practice, although it does not look as if it would work. The Silvia is considered robust machine, resulting from the experience of the many users who have this machine that is built with small modifications since 1989, bought, as well as from the fact that many of its components are also used in professional machines that were designed for use in cafés, installed , In other words, Miss Silvia is an investment for eternity. Is Miss Silvia worth twice the extra cost compared to a Gaggia Classic or more than double the extra cost compared to a Saeco Aroma? Undoubtedly yes. Because there are in the aforementioned machine kettle and brewing units made ​​of aluminum, on the one hand has a lower heat stability, on the other hand is suspected (with) to cause Alzheimer, but also responds to some descaler with blooming and of course not the pleasant feel and temperature stability Miss Silvia offers. In addition, the mentioned low-cost alternatives to Miss Silvia are now delivered exclusively with "Aroma-screen carriers". Where an outlet for the pressure required to brew the espresso powder and a labyrinth provides below the valve for swirling air into the espresso, making a foam is produced, pretending regardless of the quality of the ground material and the contact pressure at Tampern a Crema, but merely consists of air bubbles. Simultaneously, the aroma Espresso Machines are constructed so complex that they can be even with regular use of coffee degreasers not really clean. The Google Image Search promotes as revealed unappetizing. The Aroma Espresso Machines of the competing products are and will remain on closer inspection an unsavory affair, even if due to the regular rinsing with hot espresso can not really speak of unhygienic matter, because more than 60 ° C, the filter holder should be at least pasteurized. But there is always the taste of rancid coffee fat and the lack of a backflush of the brewing unit, which can be cleaned only by elaborate, complete disassembly. These problems of cost machine there at Miss Silvia NOT. The only criticism of Miss Silvia is the very small drain pan, which is indeed made ​​of stainless steel, but with the moisture can accumulate, leading to rust if you do not worry every night by removing the pan and wipe out for dryness. Despite repeated revision, it has the manufacturer until now not managed to relocate the drain hose so that it leads directly into the drain pan. The shop where I bought my copy has already extended the hose voluntarily in knowledge of this defect. This may not be the case with every Coffeeitalia retailer, however, should not deter a potential interested parties with a minimum level of technical skill or cleanliness of the purchase. The delivered by Miss Silvia Plastiktamper allows first steps in the preparation of an espresso, which with a little technical understanding , skill and luck also succeed, but because the Tamperdurchmesser is slightly smaller than the screen, you should replace it (even for aesthetic reasons) quickly against a right Tamper. However, a prerequisite for a good espresso is a mill that may grind finer than industrially pre-ground espresso supermarket, because that one can not even at festestem Tampern on the required cycle time of 25 seconds. However, this may not Miss Silvia; It should be mentioned only for completeness.

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